Cursos de Hebreo Online - Cursos de Hebraico Online

Ulpan Mahir

Our Differences is the first system in the world completely developed with Blended Learning System for remote teaching Hebrew and also offers academic formatted courses using the HFL method.


We are distinguished by:

► Combinaning the online classes in a virtual classroom, with an assisted exercise program and a group of didactic multimedia software than accompanying the learning process.

Inthis system the student attends to scheduled live classes via video-conference from his home, his office, or wherever he like and with total flexible hours he can follow the exercise program and use the multimedia softwares to complement . [Read more ...]

► The application of the HFL method identifies the excellence of our courses. This methodology makes the difference, fundamently because most of the errors in a second language learning process, are a response to the natural human tendency that all human have to "think" and build syntactically in his/her mother tongue.   [Read more ...]


A Paradigm Shift:

In we seek for give to our students stability and constancy in the study, using in turn the knowledge they bring even from another areas because we believe that the interdisciplinary knowledge enriches the learning process.


