Teaching Team

In Ulpan Mahir we have highly skilled and qualified hebrew teachers. All of them trained are in Israel, and have experiencia working in the diaspora, They speak at least three languages and are trained in teaching Hebrew as a foreign language, HFL method.
Morah (Professor) Chanit:
She is Israeli, born in Petach Tikva city. She sent to Paris by the Sochnut (Jewish Agency), where he currently resides. The Morah Chanit held her degree at the Tel Aviv Univesity, in the Faculty of Hebrew and made after an improvment at the Sorbonne University. Additionally she was formed in Social Communication in the Inelko International Institute of Paris. She worked as coordinator of Seminars in Israel, and as a teacher of Hebrew in Jewish schools of Boulogne-Billancourt and the
Hebrew Ulpan for adults of Paris. Currently teaches Hebrew at the Project "Multilingualism and Coexistence in the Middle East" and teaches in our program for English and French Speakers Students and in Hebrew for advanced students. She's also the coordinator of our Café in Hebrew for Hebrew speakers.
Morah Dvorah:
Morah Dvorah held her degree at the 'Zalman Shazar' Faculty of Hebrew Teaching and Jewish Studies Teachers, associated with the Tel Aviv University. Then she did her Advanced Studies in Education Science at the Tel-Aviv University and made the Biblical Studies Courses at Machon Greenberg of Jerusalem and Machon Chana of New York. Complemented her studies with a PhD seminars in Judaic's Linguistic throught an agreement between the Philosophy and Leters Doctorat of U.B.A. with the Jerusalem University. In addition, made the specialization courses in the Teaching of Hebrew as a Second Language (HFL) in the Language Institute of Yaffo (Israel) and in Educational Technology at the Center of the same name in Tel Aviv. Morah Dvorah, wrote research papers on Hebrew and other Judaic languages as Haketia, Aramaic and Judeo-Spanish. She also developed educational materials for teaching Hebrew for Adults. She worked with children and adults at the Jewish Community Education Network, in synagogues and at the University. For tha last 5 years she teaches students in our Online Ulpan with Spanish, Portuguese, English and Italian Interface, and in Hebrew to advanced. She is responsable for Linguistic topics of our Academic Format Hebrew Cours too.
Moreh Shaul:
He was formed at the Machon Greenberg of Jerusalem and studied at the Yeshiva. In addition to our Ulpan, he has been working in Jewish Secondary Schools network. Shaul was born in Uruguay so he is fluent in Spanish and Hebrew. He has written works on literacy and multilingualism in Adolescents. He also worked in the Torah Area of Machon Noar in Israel
Morah Dafna
Morah Dafna received her training at the Midreshet Shazar Faculty of Hebrew Teaching and Jewish Studies Teachers.She taught to childrens for over 30 years in te Jewish Schools network. Also dedicated to teaching children with learning difficulties.The lasts years, worked with adults too. Morah Dafna was born in Argentina and lived for several years in Israel, at the Kibbutz Hakuk. Right there in Israel, conducted several training courses, including the Matach courses of Tanach (Bible) Teaching, and the Course "Morey Morim" (Teachers of Teachers) for training educators.Dafna, teaches with Spanish interface for beginners and Hebrew interface for advanced.
Morah Shterna:
Shterna is Brazilian. She was formed on the "Midreshet Gani" Faculty of Hebrew and Jewish Studies of Sao Paulo and then inproved her studies in the Machon Beith Chana of Tzfat, Israel. She imparted lessons in Israel and then returned to Latin America, where she worked in the Jewish Community of Costa Rica and att the Chabad School of Buenos Aires. In our Hebrew Ulpan teaches with Spanish and Portuguese interface.
Morah Lea:
Leah born in Argentina, very young gone to Israel, where she completed her High School. Back in Argentina, extended her career in psycho-pedagogy and then returned to Israel where she graduated as a teacher of Hebrew in the Haifa Unversity.She worked teaching adult and teen immigrants at the Ulpan in Israel, and with Childrens at the Jewish Programs of the Argentinian Community. Today also teaches in our Online Program.